Academic Excellence Program

1h1a8990.jpgCatering to high performing students, CBC Fremantle's Academic Excellence Program (AEP) provides a stimulating and engaging academic environment for CBC boys who have achieved exceptional results across their core subjects.

Students are selected for the program based on their performance in the previous semester across English, Mathematics, Humanities, Science and Religion and Life. Identified students engage in extension classes where they are provided with an enriched and accelerated curriculum and the opportunity to learn alongside like-minded peers. 

Specialist AEP teachers tailor their instruction, fostering creative and critical thinking skills, and assisting students to develop problem-solving techniques that prepare them for a deeper understanding in our changing world. For AEP students to continue in the program, it is expected that they will maintain a high level of academic achievement each semester.

AEP students receive priority invitation to any academic events including international and national tours, excursions, incursions, conferences, and competitions. Some of the exciting events on the annual AEP calendar include:
• Da Vinci Decathlon
• World Scholar’s Cup
• Academy Conferences Symposium for Gifted Students
• Brainways STEM School of Excellence Program
• TEDx Kings Park Youth Event

Students are also counselled to choose academic electives that best suit their interests and gifts and encouraged to engage in a variety of co-curricular activities to extend their learning.

In addition, the College offers Gifted and Talented testing and identified GAT students are provided with personalised educational plans to better assist their teachers in their learning and development.

The Sky Is The Limit

As well as introducing students to the enormous opportunities to be gained from academic success within timetabled classes and local events, the Academic Excellence Program provides an incredible opportunity for students to participate in national and international tours. Previous tours have included
•    NASA tour to the US, visiting places such as Orlando, Washington DC and New York
•    STEM Immersion tour to New Zealand
•    HASS tour to Sydney and Canberra
The experience of these tours provides a unique opportunity for boys to share in the reward of seeking personal excellence within their AEP cohort.